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order by op_date

h6.Пример 125.
select distinct
a.name as "ФИО",
u.login as "LOGIN",

a.contract_number as "№ ДОГОВОРА",
round((aa.ostatok+aa.debit-aa.credit) / cast((select CONST_VALUE from VPN_CONST where CONST_ID = 1) as numeric(18,5)), 2) as "БАЛАНС"
from abonents a
left join finance_operations fo on fo.abonent_id=a.id
left join users u on u.abonent_id=a.id
left join admin_accounts aa on aa.id=a.account_id
where a.id not in (select fo.abonent_id from finance_operations fo where fo.op_date >= cast(':Дата|date$' as timestamp) and fo.op_type=2 )
and a.parent_id = ':Группа|select[Abonents,is_folder=1]$'
and a.is_folder=0
and a.deleted=0