Отчет для директора

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h4. Как поверить?

Через [конструктор отчетов|CarbonBilling:Конструктор отчетов] таким отчетом:{code}select cnt.y*100+cnt.m, cnt.sm/count(*) from (select round(sum(summ),3) sm,year_number y,month_number m from counters c where abonent_id>0 group by year_number,month_number) cnt join (select distinct a.id aid,extract(year from create_date) y,extract(month from create_date) m from abonents a where id>0 and is_folder=0) abn on abn.y*100+abn.m<=cnt.y*100+cnt.m where cnt.y=2020 and cnt.m=01 group by cnt.y,cnt.m,cnt.sm{code}
Через [конструктор отчетов|CarbonBilling:Конструктор отчетов] таким отчетом:
{code}select cnt.y*100+cnt.m, round(cnt.sm/count(*),3) from (select round(sum(summ),3) sm,year_number y,month_number m from counters c where abonent_id>0 group by year_number,month_number) cnt join (select distinct a.id aid,extract(year from create_date) y,extract(month from create_date) m from abonents a where id>0 and is_folder=0) abn on abn.y*100+abn.m<=cnt.y*100+cnt.m group by cnt.y,cnt.m,cnt.sm{code}