СОРМ3 Специальные технологии

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Изменения (1)

просмотр истории страницы
and a.company=1

h2. Payment.sql
select first 1 'region_id;payment_type;pay_type_id;payment_date;amount;amount_CURRENCY;phone_number;account;ABONENT_ID;bank_account;bank_name;express_card_number;terminal_id;terminal_number;latitude;longitude;projection_type;center_id;donated_phone_number;donated_account;donated_internal_id1;donated_internal_id2;card_number;pay_params;person_recieved;bank_division_name;bank_card_id;address_type_id;address_type;zip;country;region;zone;city;street;building;build_sect;apartment;unstruct_info;RECORD_ACTION'
FROM abonents
union all
--fo.op_id || ';' || fo.abonent_id || ';' || -- для дебага
a.operator_id|| ';' || --region_id
when (fo.operator_id is not null and fo.operator_id<>'' and upper(fo.operator_id) not like '%OSMP%') then '80' --80 - через банковский перевод
when (fo.descr like 'Карта оплаты %') then '81' --81 - через карты экспресс-оплаты
when (fo.operator_id is not null and fo.operator_id<>'' and upper(fo.operator_id) like '%OSMP%') then '82' --82 - через терминалы моментальных платежей
when (fo.is_cash=1 and fo.descr containing 'Вебкасса. Пользователь: ') then '83' --83 - через центры обслуживания клиентов
when fo.descr like 'Перевод от другого абонента через ЛК%' then '84' --84 - посредством снятия денег со счета другого абонента
else '86' --86 - если невозможно определить тип платежа, но является пополнением баланса
end || ';' || -- payment_type
'1' || ';' || -- pay_type_id - для связи с отчетом pay_type
SUBSTRING((coalesce(cast(fo.system_date as varchar(32)),'')) FROM 1 FOR 19) || ';' || --payment_date
cast(fo.op_summa/10000000000.00 as varchar(32)) || ';' || --amount
cast((fo.op_summa*fo.curs)/10000000000.00 as varchar(32)) || ';' || --amount_CURRENCY
coalesce(a.sms,'') || ';' || --phone_number
fo.account_id || ';' || --account
fo.abonent_id || ';;' || --internal_id1 internal_id2 (пустой)
iif(fo.operator_id is not null and fo.operator_id<>'' and upper(fo.operator_id) not like '%OSMP%',coalesce(b_acc.attribute_value,''),'') || ';' || --bank_account
iif(fo.operator_id is not null and fo.operator_id<>'' and upper(fo.operator_id) not like '%OSMP%',coalesce(b_name.attribute_value,''),'') || ';' ||--bank_name
iif(fo.descr like 'Карта оплаты %', substring(fo.descr from 14 for (position('.', fo.descr)-14)),'') || ';' || --express_card_number
';;;;' || --terminal_id--terminal_number --latitude --longitude --projection_type
a.operator_id || ';' || --center_id идентификатор центра обслуживания клиентов
coalesce(a_don.sms,'') || ';' || --donated_phone_number
coalesce(a_don.account_id,'') || ';' || --donated_account
coalesce(a_don.id,'') || ';;' || --donated_internal_id1 --donated_internal_id2
';;;;;' || --card_number --pay_params --person_recieved --bank_division_name --bank_card_id
(fo.operator_id is not null and fo.operator_id<>'' and upper(fo.operator_id) not like '%OSMP%')
or (fo.operator_id is not null and fo.operator_id<>'' and upper(fo.operator_id) like '%OSMP%')
or (fo.is_cash=1 and fo.descr containing 'Вебкасса. Пользователь: '),
) || ';' || --address_type_id --address_type если --payment_type in (80,82,83)
coalesce(h.zip_code,'') || ';' || --zip
coalesce(h.country,'') || ';' ||--country
coalesce(h.region,'') || ';' ||--region
coalesce(h.district,'') || ';' ||--zone
coalesce(h.city,'') || ';' ||--city
coalesce(h.street,'') || ';' ||--street
coalesce(h.s_number,'') || ';' ||--building
coalesce(h.s_liter,'') || ';' ||--build_sect
coalesce(a.a_home_number,'') || ';' || --apartment
'' || ';' || --unstruct_info
from finance_operations fo
join abonents a on fo.abonent_id=a.id -- чтобы узнать абонента
left join homes h on a.home_id=h.id -- получаем адрес абонента для --address_type_id --address_type
left join attribute_values b_acc on b_acc.attribute_id=6 and b_acc.abonent_id=fo.abonent_id -- банковский счет абонента
left join attribute_values b_name on b_acc.attribute_id=7 and b_acc.abonent_id=fo.abonent_id -- наименование банка абонента
--left join abonents a_perevod on a_perevod.contract_number=substring(fo.descr from 39 for (position(' (', fo.descr))-39) and fo.descr like '%Перевод от другого абонента через ЛК%'
left join finance_operations fo_don on fo.related_fin_op_id=fo_don.op_id and fo.descr like '%Перевод от другого абонента через ЛК%' -- для --payment_type=86 (переводов денег между абонентами)
left join abonents a_don on fo_don.abonent_id=a_don.id -- для payment_type=86 (переводов денег между абонентами)
and a.parent_id not in (244)
and a.deleted=0
and a.id>1;

h2. Pay_type.txt
1;1;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;APELSIN
1;2;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;CITY_PAY
1;3;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Comepay
1;4;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Elexnet
1;5;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;ElexnetOld
1;6;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;EXPRESS_VOLGA
1;7;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;ForwardMobile
1;8;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Gorod
1;9;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;JCC
1;10;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Kassa24
1;11;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;KAZKOMBANK
1;12;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Krasplat
1;13;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;MINBANK
1;14;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;MKB_OSMP
1;15;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Mobilnik
1;16;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;MONEY_YANDEX
1;17;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;NCC
1;18;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;OSMP_Amigo
1;19;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;OSMP_CHECK
1;20;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;OSMP_DELTAPAY
1;21;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;OSMP_EXPRESS_OPLATA
1;22;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;OSMP_INTERPAY
1;23;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;OSMP_MOROZOV
1;24;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;OSMP_QIWI
1;25;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;OSMP-QIWI
1;26;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;OSMP_SBRF
1;27;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;OSMP_SIPAY
1;28;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;PAYANYWAY
1;29;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;PAYCOM_UZ
1;30;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Payfon_phone
1;31;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;PAYKEEPER
1;32;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;PAYMASTER
1;33;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;PaymasterAutopay
1;34;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;PAYNET_UZ
1;35;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;PayPal
1;36;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;PayPro
1;37;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;QIWI_OSMP
1;38;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;QIWI(REST)
1;39;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Qiwiwallet
1;40;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;QuickPay
1;41;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;RAPIDA
1;42;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Robokassa
1;43;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;RPS
1;44;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;SBERBANK_ACQ
1;45;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;SBRF
1;46;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;SBRF_BS
1;47;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;SBRF_KIBERPLAT
1;48;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;SFOUR
1;49;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Simfoniya
1;50;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;TelePay
1;51;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;TINKOFF
1;52;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;UBRIR
1;53;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;UCS_ACQ
1;54;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Unikassa
1;55;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Uniteller
1;56;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;UnitellerAutopay
1;57;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;VISA-MASTERCARD
1;58;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;webcreds
1;59;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;WebRobokassa
1;60;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;XPLAT
1;61;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;YAPK
1;62;01.01.2017 00:00:00;;Поступление наличных

h2. Regions.sql
select first 1 'id;begin_time;end_time;description;MCC;MNC'
from abonents
union all
a.id || ';' ||
EXTRACT(YEAR FROM current_timestamp) ||'-'|| CAST(lpad(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM current_timestamp),2,'0') AS varchar(2)) ||'-'|| CAST(lpad(EXTRACT(DAY FROM current_timestamp),2,'0') AS varchar(2)) || ' ' || CAST(lpad(EXTRACT(hour FROM current_timestamp),2,'0') AS varchar(2))||':'|| CAST(lpad(EXTRACT(minute FROM current_timestamp),2,'0') AS varchar(2)) || ':00' || ';' ||/*actual_from*/
EXTRACT(YEAR FROM DATEADD(DAY, +1, current_timestamp)) ||'-'|| CAST(lpad(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM DATEADD(DAY, +1, current_timestamp)),2,'0') AS varchar(2)) ||'-'|| CAST(lpad(EXTRACT(DAY FROM DATEADD(DAY, +1, current_timestamp)),2,'0') AS varchar(2)) || ' ' || CAST(lpad(EXTRACT(hour FROM DATEADD(DAY, +1, current_timestamp)),2,'0') AS varchar(2))||':'|| CAST(lpad(EXTRACT(minute FROM DATEADD(DAY, +1, current_timestamp)),2,'0') AS varchar(2)) || ':00' || ';' ||/*actual_to*/
a.name || ';' ||
'' || ';' ||
from abonents a
where a.CATEGORY_ID=2
and a.is_folder=0
and a.deleted=0

h2. Supplementary_service.sql
select first 1 'id;mnemonic;begin_time;end_time;description;region_id'
from abonents
union all
abs(usl.id) || ';' ||
usl.NAME || ';' ||
coalesce((select first 1
cast(lpad(extract(day from time_changed),2,'0') as varchar(2)) || '.' ||
cast(lpad(extract(month from time_changed),2,'0') as varchar(2)) || '.' ||
extract(year from time_changed) from usluga_history where usluga_id = usl.id),'') ||
' 00:00:00;' ||
iif(usl.deleted > 0,
(select first 1
cast(lpad(extract(day from time_changed),2,'0') as varchar(2)) || '.' ||
cast(lpad(extract(month from time_changed),2,'0') as varchar(2)) || '.' ||
extract(year from time_changed) from usluga_history where usluga_id = usl.id order by time_changed desc) ||
' 00:00:00;',
';') ||
coalesce(usl.comments,'') || ';' ||

usluga usl
usl.system_type != 13 and
usl.id!=170000 and
usl.id in (select usluga_id from usluga_history union distinct select usluga_id from users_usluga where deleted = 0 and abonent_id is not null) and
(usl.name is not null and usl.name <> '')
and usl.id>0