СОРМ3 Специальные технологии

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Изменения (5)

просмотр истории страницы

(select distinct abonent_id abon
from users_history
where time_changed between (current_timestamp - 1) and current_timestamp
or abonent_id in (select distinct abonents_id abon from abonents_history where time_changed between (current_timestamp - 1) and current_timestamp)
) user_periodic on user_periodic.abon=a.id
left join USERS U on A.ID = U.ABONENT_ID
left join HOMES H on A.HOME_ID = H.ID
UU.ENABLE_DATE is not null and
UU.USLUGA_ID not in (-3,-4) and
UU.USLUGA_ID not in (select id from usluga where name = '')
and a.parent_id not in (244)
and a.deleted=0
and a.id>1
and a.company=1;
and (u.login in (select uh.login from users_history uh where uh.time_changed between (current_timestamp - 1) and current_timestamp)
or a.id in (select ah.abonents_id from abonents_history ah where ah.time_changed between (current_timestamp - 1) and current_timestamp));
