Отчёты для СОРМ 3

Эта строка удалена.
Это слово было удалено. Это слово было добавлено.
Эта строка добавлена.

Изменения (4)

просмотр истории страницы
usl.system_type != 13 and
usl.id in (select usluga_id from usluga_history union distinct select usluga_id from users_usluga where deleted = 0 and abonent_id is not null) and
(id in (select usluga_id from usluga_history where time_changed between (current_timestamp - 1) and current_timestamp))
order by id;
usl.system_type != 13 and
usl.id in (select usluga_id from usluga_history union distinct select usluga_id from users_usluga where deleted = 0 and abonent_id is not null) and
(id in (select usluga_id from usluga_history where time_changed between (current_timestamp - 1) and current_timestamp));
order by id;