Конструктор отчетов

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#h5. Отчет формирует информацию за период по следующим полям: входящий баланс абонента, списания за указанный месяц, оплачено, исходящий баланс, НДС 20% от списаний.
Если нет необходимости разделять на типы услуг, то можно убрать поля и скорректировать нахождение "Исходящего остатка"
select distinct
a.contract_number as "№ договора",
(select first 1 login from users where users.abonent_id=a.id) as "Логин",
a.name as "Название/ФИО",
iif(a.company=1, 'Юр. лица','Физ. лица') as "Физ./Юр.",
coalesce(tel.attribute_value,'') as "Телефон",
a.account_id as "№ лиц.сч",

/*Выполянется проверка, какие данные выводить по входящему балансу, в зависимости от даты создания абонента*/
when a.create_date_system between cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date) and
dateadd(1 month to cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date))
(select first 1 fost.aa_ostatok/10000000000.00
from finance_operations fost
where fost.storno = 0
and fost.abonent_id = a.id
and (extract(year from fost.period_end_date) = extract(year from cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date)) and
extract(month from fost.period_end_date) = extract(month from cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date)))
order by fost.system_date)

when coalesce(foincome2.summa, 0) != 0
else round((coalesce(foincome.balance_buh / 10000000000.00, 0.00)), 2)
end as "Входящий остаток",
round(coalesce(onetime.summa, 0.00), 2) as "Разовые услуги",
round(coalesce(constserv.summa, 0.00), 2) as "Периодические услуги",
round(coalesce(voiptraf.summa, 0.00),2) as "IP-телефония",
iif(a.company=1, round((coalesce(onetime.summa, 0.00) + coalesce(constserv.summa, 0.00) + coalesce(voiptraf.summa, 0.00))/100*20,2),'0.00') as "НДС",
round(coalesce(onetime.summa, 0.00) + coalesce(constserv.summa, 0.00) + coalesce(voiptraf.summa, 0.00),2) as "Сумма с налогами",
coalesce(debet.summa, 0.00) as "Оплачено",
round((coalesce(foincome2.summa, 0.00)) + coalesce(debet.summa, 0.00) - coalesce(onetime.summa, 0.00) - coalesce(constserv.summa, 0.00) - coalesce(voiptraf.summa, 0.00), 2) as "Исходящий остаток"

from abonents a
join tarif t on a.tarif_id=t.id
left join finance_operations foincome on foincome.storno = 0 and a.id = foincome.abonent_id and foincome.op_type = 1 and
dateadd(-1 month to cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date)) = cast(foincome.period_end_date as date)
/*получаем бух.баланс из акта за предыдущий месяц от искомого*/

left join (select round(fo.balance_buh / 10000000000.00, 2) summa, fo.abonent_id abon
from finance_operations fo
where fo.storno = 0 and fo.op_type = 1
and (
extract(year from fo.period_end_date) = extract(year from dateadd(-1 month to cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date))) and
extract(month from fo.period_end_date) = extract(month from dateadd(-1 month to cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date)))
)) foincome2 on a.id = foincome2.abon

/*получаем сумму приходов за искомый месяц*/
left join (select round(sum(fo.op_summa / 10000000000.00), 2) summa,
fo.abonent_id abon
from finance_operations fo
where fo.storno = 0
and fo.op_type = 2
and fo.op_date between cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date) and dateadd(-1 second to dateadd(1 month to cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as timestamp)))
group by fo.abonent_id) debet on a.id = debet.abon

/*сумма начислений за искомый месяц по разовым услугам*/
left join (select sum(c.summ) summa, c.abonent_id abon
from counters c
join usluga u on c.usluga_id = u.id
where c.month_number = extract(month from cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date))
and c.year_number = extract(year from cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date))
and u.usluga_abon_type_id=1
group by c.abonent_id) onetime on a.id = onetime.abon

/*сумма начислений за искомый месяц по периодическим услугам*/
left join (select sum(c.summ) summa, c.abonent_id abon
from counters c
join usluga u on c.usluga_id = u.id
where c.month_number = extract(month from cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date))
and c.year_number = extract(year from cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date))
and u.usluga_abon_type_id<>1
and c.unit_id<>3
group by c.abonent_id) constserv on a.id = constserv.abon

/*сумма начислений за искомый месяц по телефонии*/
left join (select sum(c.summ) summa, c.abonent_id abon
from counters c
join usluga u on c.usluga_id = u.id
where c.month_number = extract(month from cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date))
and c.year_number = extract(year from cast(':Расчетный период|monthchoice|period_end_date|select[financeoperations]$' as date))
and u.usluga_abon_type_id<>1
and c.unit_id=3
group by c.abonent_id) voiptraf on a.id=voiptraf.abon

left join
attribute_values tel on a.id=tel.abonent_id and tel.attribute_id=1009

a.is_folder=0 and
coalesce(a.company,0)<>:1-Физ./Юр. лица|choices[0^]Юр.Лица^[1^]Физ.лица^[2^]Все]$
and a.deleted = 0
and a.id > 0
and a.parent_id not in (2,244) /*Исключить каталог "Операторы" и "Служебная группа"*/
order by

h1. Решение проблем